Remove moving objects from your photo… or merge them into one image!

In every single image of this collection of images, an ambulance is shown at different distances whlile driving over the bridge. Open NEAT projects professional.

Go to the folder and select the image sequence you want to import. After opening NEAT projects, simply drag and drop the image group into the program. In this example we use twelve frames of the passing ambulance, enough for the algorithm to completely remove it from our image. Add images Perfect! The road is now cleared

This feature of NEAT projects is great for clearly photographing buildings, for example, without also having to capture the many passing cars blocking your view.

But NEAT projects professional can do even more! Each individual image of the ambulance can be combined in one image to create a motion sequence.

Just search for motion algorithms and select "Add Motion". The entire sequence has now been combined into a single image.

You can control how often the ambulance appears in the photo by excluding individual images from the algorithm's calculation. Click on the "Edit image sequence" option in the menu bar. Editing an image sequence

In the upper left corner next to each image preview are small boxes, each of which is checked off. By unchecking these boxes, you uncheck these images and exclude them from the image sequence.


This way, you can precisely visualize selected steps and speeds within a motion sequence. Another application of these methods will be presented in the next tutorial, where the "Add Motion" option becomes a stylistic device.

Tags: neat

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