Post-processing with Neat projects

Directly after uploading your images, you will find yourself in post-processing. Here, you can start editing the results with filters and effects. The Neat projects 2 professional presets can be found on the left side of the post-processing-screen: The presets show the breakdown of the live preview in categories - "Natural“, "Colors“, "Details“ und "Soft" - with the quantity of presets in the appropriate category.

As a start, we’ve chosen the “Natural Original”-preset. Clicking on the preview-image applies the effect to the image in real time, and the result will then be displayed in the middle of the screen.

NEAT projects 2 professional isn’t about image looks, but preliminary presets. 43 different effects make your image lighter, darker, more vivid in colour, and so on.

All 43 NEAT projects 2 professional presets at a single glance. The bar “presettings” can be easily detached and adjusted in size.

Tags: neat

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