Using Photoshop Plug-In in MAC OS X

You can find the plug-ins on the start-screen within the file „Plug-ins“. Here, choose the file that corresponds to your Photoshop version (in the following example, Photoshop CS6 is selected). Double-click on the .zip-file to unpack the plug-in.

Pull out the unpacked plug-in "DENOISEprojects2ProfessionalFilter_PH6.plugin" ("PH7" with other Photoshop versions) before dragging and dropping the plug-in file in your Photoshop version. Normally, the file will be called plug-in:

Now, start your Photoshop version and upload an image before navigating to “Menu => Filter => Franzis => DENOISE projects 2 professional“

With a click, start the plug-in. The image will now be opened in DENOISE projects 2 professional.
Now, you will find that the program is in the Photoshop filter-plug-in mode. You will be able to edit the image as usual in DENOISE projects 2 professional.

Subsequently, send the finished photo via the control “Apply” back directly into the Photoshop level, where the image originally came from.

With the control “Cancel”, you remove the filter-plug-in without sending the edited image back into the Photoshop level. The editing that took place in DENOISE projects 2 professional will be discarded as well.

The projects program will then automatically close. This is a compulsive mechanism of Adobe Photoshop.

Tags: denoise

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