Usage of Adobe Lightroom Windodws

Start the installation program and check if the component “Lightroom Plug-in” has been selected.
If you don’t have a CD download the plug-in from
Afterwards, open the Lightroom version. Start Lightroom and navigate to “File => Plug-in manager” to check if the plug-in is activated.

If this is not the case, you always have the option to navigate to the Plug-in Manager, to click on “Add” and to install the plug-in manually. Simply navigate inside the Lightroom Plug-in folder to DENOISEProjects2Professional.lrplugin, and click on “Choose folder” in order to install the plug-in.

To open images in DENOISE, simply mark the bracketing-row in your lightroom library. Right-click directly onto the marked image and choose the setting “Export => Export to DENOISE projects 2 professional”.

Or: Choose “File => Export with requirement => Export to DENOISE projects 2 professional”.

Tags: denoise

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