Denoise Channel Display

The area of the channel display serves as an optical analysis of your image.

Tip: Pay attention that the real-time calculation mode in the tool bar at the top is active, so that the display can be updated.
Here, you can select from seven display modes.

 a) Displays the whole image, meaning all colour channels

This display shows the resulting denoised image with all three colour channels: red, green and blue.

b) Displays the brightness (luminance)
The brightness of the image (depending on the selected denoising colour space)

 c) Chrominance display (Displays the colour map)

In the chrominance display, you can see very quickly if there is colour noise in your motive or not. If the colours are “agitated” you should use the effect "denoising–colour" with a stronger intensity.

d) Red channel
In the red channel the red parts of the image receive increased brightness.

e) Green channel
In the green channel the green parts of the image receive increased brightness.

f) Blue channel
In the blue channel the blue parts of the image receive increased brightness.

g) Difference between the source and the result image
The difference-display shows the noised areas of the image that have been removed.
What counts here: The fewer details are seen on the difference display the better the denoising worked (as fewer image details were influenced by the denoising).

As soon as the difference-display is activated, a control will appear with which the contrast of the difference can be increased. For pictures that have little noise, the difference will be hard to see. In this case, simply increase the contrast of the display.
The contrasts of displays from the image illustrates the functions that have been used on it.

Tags: denoise

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